\beginsong{Winter lady}
  [by={Leonard Cohen},cov={songs-of-leonard-cohen},album={Songs of Leonard Cohen}]

  % Note: la notation « N: » dans les accords suivants dénote d'un
  % décalage de N cases, et non d'un barré à la case N

  \musicnote{4 cordes centrales en arpège}

    \musicnote{\Intro: \nolyrics{\[Amaj7 D+]}}

    \[D+]Traveling \[Amaj7]lady, \[D+] stay a\[C]while
    Un\[D+]til the \[Amaj7]night is \[D+]over
    I'm just a \[Amaj7]station \[D+]on your \[C]way
    I \[D+]know I'm \[Amaj7]not your \[D+]lover

    Well \[D+]I lived with a \[Am7]{child of snow}
    \[D+]When I was a \[Am7]soldier
    And I\[D+] fought every \[Am7]{man for} her
    Un\[D+]til the nights grew \[Am7]colder

      She \[D+]used to \[Amaj7]wear her \[D+]hair like \[C]you
      Ex\[D+]cept when \[Amaj7]she was \[D+]sleeping
      And then she'd \[Amaj7]weave it \[D+]on a \[C]loom
      Of \[D+]smoke and \[Amaj7]gold and \[D+]breathing

      And \[D+]why are you so \[Am7]{quiet now}
      \[D+]Standing there in the \[Am7]doorway?
      You \[D+]chose your journey \[Am7]{long before}
      You \[D+]came upon this \[Am7]highway

      \[D+]Traveling \[Amaj7]lady, \[D+] stay a\[C]while
      Un\[D+]til the \[Amaj7]night is \[D+]over
      I'm just a \[Amaj7]station \[D+]on your \[C]way
      I \[D+]know I'm \[Amaj7]not your \[D+]lover
