\songcolumns{2} \beginsong{Sad Lisa}[by=Cat Stevens,cov=tea-for-the-tillerman] \cover \gtab{Mim}{022000} \gtab{Ré}{XX0232} \gtab{Do}{X32010} \gtab{La}{X02220} \gtab{Si}{2:002220} \beginverse She \[Mim]hangs her head and \[Ré]cries in my \[Do]shirt, \[Ré] She must be \[Mim]hurt very \[Ré]bad\[Sol]ly. Tell me what's \[Ré]making you \[Mim]sad\[La]ly ? \[Mim]Open your \[La]door, don't \[Ré]hide in the \[Do]dark, You've \[Ré]lost in the \[Mim]dark, you can \[Ré]trust \[Sol]me 'cause you know that's \[Ré]how it must \[Mim La]be. \endverse \beginchorus \[Mim]Lisa, Li\[La]sa, sad \[Si]Lisa, Li\[Mim]sa. \endchorus \beginverse Her eyes like windows tricklin' rain, Upon her pain getting deeper. Though my love wants to relieve her. She walks alone from wall to wall, Lost in a hall, she can't hear me, Though I know she likes to be near me. \endverse \beginverse She sits in a corner by the door. There must be more I can tell her, If she really wants me to help her, I'll do what I can to show her the way. And maybe I will free her, Though I know no one can see her. \endverse \endsong