songbook [from: Songs data for LaTeX songbooks http:///]

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[by={Nirvana},cov={in-utero},album={In Utero}]
\[Em] \[Am]{I'm not} like the\[G]m
But \[C]{I can} prete\[Em]nd
\[Am]The sun is go\[G]ne
But \[C]{I have} a lig\[Em]ht
\[Am]The day is do\[G]ne
But \[C]{I'm having} fu\[Em]n
\[Am]{I think} I'm du\[G]mb
Or \[C]maybe just \[Em]happy
\[G] Think I'm just \[E]happy
\[G] Think I'm just \[Em]happy
\[G] Think I'm just \[E]happy \[G B]
\[Em] \[Am]{My heart} is bro\[G]ke
But \[C]{I have} some glu\[Em]e
\[Am]Help me inha\[G]le
And \[C]mend it with yo\[Em]u
\[Am]We'll float arou\[G]nd
And \[C]hang out on clou\[Em]ds
\[Am]Then we'll come do\[G]wn
And \[C]have a han\[Em]gover
\[G] Have a han\[E]gover
\[G] Have a han\[Em]gover
\[G] Have a han\[E]gover \[G B]
\[B*] Skin the sun\[C*]
Fall asleep\[B*]
Wish away\[C*]
The soul is cheap\[B*]
Lesson learned\[C*]
Wish me luck\[B*]
Soothe the burn\[C*]
Wake me up
\musicnote{\Verse \& \Chorus 1}
\[Em] \[Am]{I think} I'm du\[G]mb
\[C]{I think} I'm du\[Em]mb