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#ifndef _HARDWARE_H
#define _HARDWARE_H
#define WIFI_SSID "ssid"
#define WIFI_PASSWORD "password"
#define LED_BUILTIN 13
static constexpr int PROGMEM SERVO_PINS[] = {23, 22, 21, 19, 18, 5};
//UART: 1 and 3
static constexpr uint8_t PROGMEM LED_PIN = 4;
static constexpr uint8_t PROGMEM NUM_LEDS = 21;
#define LED_TYPE TM1829
static const char* PROGMEM mqtt_server = "";
static constexpr uint32_t PROGMEM mqtt_port = 1883;
static constexpr bool PROGMEM MQTT_SECURE = true;
static const char* PROGMEM mqtt_username = "vending";
static const char* PROGMEM mqtt_password = "password";
static constexpr uint8_t PROGMEM COIN_PULSE_PIN = 36;
#endif /* _HARDWARE_H */
/* ******** pin diagram (esp32-st) ********
* __________
* 3v3 | | GND -- GND
* RST | | 23 -- Servo0
* PULSE-- 36 | | 22 -- Servo1
* 39 | | 01 (UART_TX)
* 34 | | 03 (UART_RX)
* 35 | | 21 -- Servo2
* 32 | ESP32-ST | GND
* 33 | | 19 -- Servo3
* 25 | Develop- | 18 -- Servo4
* 26 | ment | 05 -- Servo5
* 27 | Board | 17
* 14 | | 16
* 12 | | 04 -- TM1829_Data
* GND | | 00
* 13 | | 02 (LED1)
* 09 | | 15
* 10 | | 08
* 11 | | 07
* Vin -- 5V |__________| 06
****************************************** */