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139 lines
2.8 KiB

#include "../../config.h"
#include "../../compat/pgmspace.h"
#include "../../menu/menu.h"
#include "../../pixel.h"
#include "../../random/prng.h"
#include "../../util.h"
#include "../../joystick/joystick.h"
// MSB is leftmost pixel
static uint8_t icon[8] PROGMEM =
{0xff, 0x81, 0xbd, 0xa5, 0xa5, 0xad, 0xa1, 0xbf}; // Snake icon
void snake_game();
game_descriptor_t snake_game_descriptor __attribute__((section(".game_descriptors"))) ={
void snake_game() {
pixel pixels[64] = {{4, 14},{4, 13}};
pixel * head = &pixels[1];
pixel * tail = &pixels[0];
pixel old_head;
pixel apples[10];
uint8_t joy, joy_old=0xff, joy_cmd=0xff;
unsigned char x, y, dead = 0;
unsigned char apple_num = 0;
direction dir = up;
unsigned char apple_found = 0;
unsigned char j;
// zeichne Rahmen
for (x = 0; x < NUM_COLS; x++) {
for (y = 0; y < NUM_ROWS; y++) {
if (((x == 0) || (x == NUM_COLS-1)) ||
((y == 0) || (y == NUM_ROWS-1))) {
setpixel((pixel) {x, y}, 3);
x = 0;
while (1) {
old_head = *head;
if (head == pixels + 64)
head = pixels;
if (joy_cmd == right) {
dir = direction_r(dir);
joy_cmd = 0xff;
} else if (joy_cmd == left) {
dir = direction_r(dir);
dir = direction_r(dir);
dir = direction_r(dir);
joy_cmd = 0xff;
// kopf einen weiter bewegen
*head = next_pixel(old_head, dir);
apple_found = 0;
// pr?fen ob man auf nen Apfel drauf ist
for (j = 0; j < apple_num; j++) {
if ( ( head->x == apples[j].x) &&
(head->y == apples[j].y) ){
apple_found = 1;
for(; j < apple_num - 1; j++) {
apples[j] = apples[j+1];
goto apple_se;
if (get_pixel(*head)) {
dead = 1;
if (!dead) {
setpixel(*head, 3);
// setze neue ?pfel
if ( (apple_num < 9) && (random8() < 10) ) {
pixel new_apple = (pixel) {(random8() % (NUM_COLS-2))+1,
(random8() % (NUM_ROWS-2))+1};
if (!get_pixel(new_apple)){
apples[apple_num++] = new_apple;
// l?sche Ende
if (!apple_found && !dead) {
if (++tail == pixels + 64)
tail = pixels;
} else {
while (tail != head) {
if ((++tail) > pixels + 64)
tail = pixels;
wait (60);
for (j = 0; j < apple_num; j++) {
if (x % 2) {
setpixel(apples[j], 3);
} else {
joy = left;
}else if(JOYISRIGHT){
joy = right;
joy = 0xff;
if(joy != joy_old){
joy_cmd = joy;
joy_old = joy;
wait (5);