@ -0,0 +1,322 @@ |
* @file borg_hw_lolshield.c |
* @brief Driver for Jimmie Rodgers' LoL Shield |
* @author Christian Kroll |
* @author Jimmie Rodgers |
* @date 2014 |
* @copyright GNU Public License 2 or later |
* @see http://jimmieprodgers.com/kits/lolshield/
* |
* This driver is partly based on Jimmie Rodger's LoL Shield Library which |
* is available at https://code.google.com/p/lolshield/ (parts of the file
* "Charliplexing.cpp" have been incorporated into this file). |
* |
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify |
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by |
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or |
* (at your option) any later version. |
* |
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, |
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of |
* GNU General Public License for more details. |
* |
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License |
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software |
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA |
*/ |
#include "../config.h" |
#include "../makros.h" |
#include <stdint.h> |
#include <avr/interrupt.h> |
#include <avr/io.h> |
#include <avr/wdt.h> |
#include <avr/pgmspace.h> |
#include "borg_hw.h" |
// buffer which holds the currently shown frame
unsigned char pixmap[NUMPLANE][NUM_ROWS][LINEBYTES]; |
#define FRAMERATE 80UL |
#define CUTOFF(scaler) ((128 * 12 - 6) * FRAMERATE * scaler) |
// BEWARE: only the Diavolino Kit is supported at the moment
// other platforms don't work, yet
const uint8_t |
#if defined (__AVR_ATmega168__) || defined (__AVR_ATmega48__) || defined (__AVR_ATmega88__) || defined (__AVR_ATmega328P__) || defined (__AVR_ATmega1280__) || defined (__AVR_ATmega2560__) || defined (__AVR_ATmega8__) |
# if F_CPU < CUTOFF(8) |
fastPrescaler = _BV(CS20), // 1
slowPrescaler = _BV(CS21); // 8
# elif F_CPU < CUTOFF(32) |
fastPrescaler = _BV(CS21), // 8
slowPrescaler = _BV(CS21) | _BV(CS20); // 32
# elif F_CPU < CUTOFF(64) |
fastPrescaler = _BV(CS21), // 8
slowPrescaler = _BV(CS22); // 64
# elif F_CPU < CUTOFF(128) |
fastPrescaler = _BV(CS21) | _BV(CS20), // 32
slowPrescaler = _BV(CS22) | _BV(CS20); // 128
# elif F_CPU < CUTOFF(256) |
fastPrescaler = _BV(CS21) | _BV(CS20), // 32
slowPrescaler = _BV(CS22) | _BV(CS21); // 256
# elif F_CPU < CUTOFF(1024) |
fastPrescaler = _BV(CS22) | _BV(CS20), // 128
slowPrescaler = _BV(CS22) | _BV(CS21) | _BV(CS20); // 1024
# else |
# error frame rate is too low |
# endif |
#else |
# error no support for this chip |
#endif |
ISR(TIMER2_OVF_vect) { |
// For each cycle, we have potential planes to display. Once every plane has
// been displayed, then we move on to the next cycle.
// NOTE: a "cycle" means a subset of LEDs
// 12 Cycles of Matrix
static uint8_t cycle = 0; |
// planes to display
// NOTE: a "plane" in the Borgware is the same as a "page" in Jimmie's lib
static uint8_t plane = 0; |
// pointer to corresponding bitmap
uint8_t *p = &pixmap[plane][0][0]; |
// tune timer values (fiddle around with them to adjust brightness)
static uint8_t const prescaler[NUMPLANE + 1] = {3, 3, 3, 6}; |
TCCR2B = prescaler[plane]; |
static uint8_t const counts[NUMPLANE + 1] = {241, 198, 148, 255}; |
TCNT2 = counts[plane]; |
// Set sink pin to Vcc/source, turning off current.
static uint8_t sink_b, sink_d = 0; |
PIND = sink_d; |
PINB = sink_b; |
// Set pins to input mode; Vcc/source become pullups.
DDRD = 0; |
DDRB = 0; |
static uint8_t const sink_d_cycle[] = |
{0x04, 0x08, 0x10, 0x20, 0x40, 0x80, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00}; |
static uint8_t const sink_b_cycle[] = |
{0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x04, 0x08, 0x10, 0x20}; |
uint8_t pins_d = sink_d = sink_d_cycle[cycle]; |
uint8_t pins_b = sink_b = sink_b_cycle[cycle]; |
// convert Borgware-2D framebuffer to LoL Shield cycles
// (I could have done this with a lookup table, but that would be slower as
// non-constant bit shifts are quite expensive on AVR)
if (plane < NUMPLANE) { |
switch(cycle) { |
case 0: |
pins_b |= (0x02u & p[ 0]) << 4; // x=12, y= 0, high=13
pins_b |= (0x02u & p[ 2]) << 3; // x=12, y= 1, high=12
pins_b |= (0x02u & p[ 4]) << 2; // x=12, y= 2, high=11
pins_b |= (0x02u & p[ 6]) << 1; // x=12, y= 3, high=10
pins_b |= (0x02u & p[ 8]); // x=12, y= 4, high= 9
pins_b |= (0x02u & p[10]) >> 1; // x=12, y= 5, high= 8
pins_d |= (0x02u & p[12]) << 6; // x=12, y= 6, high= 7
pins_d |= (0x02u & p[14]) << 5; // x=12, y= 7, high= 6
pins_d |= (0x02u & p[16]) << 4; // x=12, y= 8, high= 5
break; |
case 1: |
pins_b |= (0x08u & p[ 0]) << 2; // x=10, y= 0, high=13
pins_b |= (0x08u & p[ 2]) << 1; // x=10, y= 1, high=12
pins_b |= (0x08u & p[ 4]); // x=10, y= 2, high=11
pins_b |= (0x08u & p[ 6]) >> 1; // x=10, y= 3, high=10
pins_b |= (0x08u & p[ 8]) >> 2; // x=10, y= 4, high= 9
pins_b |= (0x08u & p[10]) >> 3; // x=10, y= 5, high= 8
pins_d |= (0x08u & p[12]) << 4; // x=10, y= 6, high= 7
pins_d |= (0x08u & p[14]) << 3; // x=10, y= 7, high= 6
pins_d |= (0x08u & p[16]) << 2; // x=10, y= 8, high= 5
break; |
case 2: |
pins_b |= (0x20u & p[ 0]); // x= 8, y= 0, high=13
pins_b |= (0x20u & p[ 2]) >> 1; // x= 8, y= 1, high=12
pins_b |= (0x20u & p[ 4]) >> 2; // x= 8, y= 2, high=11
pins_b |= (0x20u & p[ 6]) >> 3; // x= 8, y= 3, high=10
pins_b |= (0x20u & p[ 8]) >> 4; // x= 8, y= 4, high= 9
pins_b |= (0x20u & p[10]) >> 5; // x= 8, y= 5, high= 8
pins_d |= (0x20u & p[12]) << 2; // x= 8, y= 6, high= 7
pins_d |= (0x20u & p[14]) << 1; // x= 8, y= 7, high= 6
pins_d |= (0x20u & p[16]); // x= 8, y= 8, high= 5
break; |
case 3: |
pins_b |= (0x20u & p[ 1]); // x= 0, y= 0, high=13
pins_b |= (0x20u & p[ 3]) >> 1; // x= 0, y= 1, high=12
pins_b |= (0x20u & p[ 5]) >> 2; // x= 0, y= 2, high=11
pins_b |= (0x20u & p[ 7]) >> 3; // x= 0, y= 3, high=10
pins_b |= (0x20u & p[ 9]) >> 4; // x= 0, y= 4, high= 9
pins_b |= (0x20u & p[11]) >> 5; // x= 0, y= 5, high= 8
pins_d |= (0x01u & p[16]) << 2; // x=13, y= 8, high= 2
pins_d |= (0x04u & p[16]) << 1; // x=11, y= 8, high= 3
pins_d |= (0x10u & p[16]); // x= 9, y= 8, high= 4
pins_d |= (0x20u & p[13]) << 2; // x= 0, y= 6, high= 7
pins_d |= (0x20u & p[15]) << 1; // x= 0, y= 7, high= 6
break; |
case 4: |
pins_b |= (0x10u & p[ 1]) << 1; // x= 1, y= 0, high=13
pins_b |= (0x10u & p[ 3]); // x= 1, y= 1, high=12
pins_b |= (0x10u & p[ 5]) >> 1; // x= 1, y= 2, high=11
pins_b |= (0x10u & p[ 7]) >> 2; // x= 1, y= 3, high=10
pins_b |= (0x10u & p[ 9]) >> 3; // x= 1, y= 4, high= 9
pins_b |= (0x10u & p[11]) >> 4; // x= 1, y= 5, high= 8
pins_d |= (0x01u & p[14]) << 2; // x=13, y= 7, high= 2
pins_d |= (0x04u & p[14]) << 1; // x=11, y= 7, high= 3
pins_d |= (0x10u & p[13]) << 3; // x= 1, y= 6, high= 7
pins_d |= (0x10u & p[14]); // x= 9, y= 7, high= 4
pins_d |= (0x20u & p[17]); // x= 0, y= 8, high= 5
break; |
case 5: |
pins_b |= (0x08u & p[ 1]) << 2; // x= 2, y= 0, high=13
pins_b |= (0x08u & p[ 3]) << 1; // x= 2, y= 1, high=12
pins_b |= (0x08u & p[ 5]); // x= 2, y= 2, high=11
pins_b |= (0x08u & p[ 7]) >> 1; // x= 2, y= 3, high=10
pins_b |= (0x08u & p[ 9]) >> 2; // x= 2, y= 4, high= 9
pins_b |= (0x08u & p[11]) >> 3; // x= 2, y= 5, high= 8
pins_d |= (0x01u & p[12]) << 2; // x=13, y= 6, high= 2
pins_d |= (0x04u & p[12]) << 1; // x=11, y= 6, high= 3
pins_d |= (0x10u & p[12]); // x= 9, y= 6, high= 4
pins_d |= (0x10u & p[15]) << 2; // x= 1, y= 7, high= 6
pins_d |= (0x10u & p[17]) << 1; // x= 1, y= 8, high= 5
break; |
case 6: |
pins_b |= (0x04u & p[ 1]) << 3; // x= 3, y= 0, high=13
pins_b |= (0x04u & p[ 3]) << 2; // x= 3, y= 1, high=12
pins_b |= (0x04u & p[ 5]) << 1; // x= 3, y= 2, high=11
pins_b |= (0x04u & p[ 7]); // x= 3, y= 3, high=10
pins_b |= (0x04u & p[ 9]) >> 1; // x= 3, y= 4, high= 9
pins_d |= (0x01u & p[10]) << 2; // x=13, y= 5, high= 2
pins_d |= (0x04u & p[10]) << 1; // x=11, y= 5, high= 3
pins_d |= (0x08u & p[13]) << 4; // x= 2, y= 6, high= 7
pins_d |= (0x08u & p[15]) << 3; // x= 2, y= 7, high= 6
pins_d |= (0x08u & p[17]) << 2; // x= 2, y= 8, high= 5
pins_d |= (0x10u & p[10]); // x= 9, y= 5, high= 4
break; |
case 7: |
pins_b |= (0x02u & p[ 1]) << 4; // x= 4, y= 0, high=13
pins_b |= (0x02u & p[ 3]) << 3; // x= 4, y= 1, high=12
pins_b |= (0x02u & p[ 5]) << 2; // x= 4, y= 2, high=11
pins_b |= (0x02u & p[ 7]) << 1; // x= 4, y= 3, high=10
pins_b |= (0x04u & p[11]) >> 2; // x= 3, y= 5, high= 8
pins_d |= (0x01u & p[ 8]) << 2; // x=13, y= 4, high= 2
pins_d |= (0x04u & p[ 8]) << 1; // x=11, y= 4, high= 3
pins_d |= (0x04u & p[13]) << 5; // x= 3, y= 6, high= 7
pins_d |= (0x04u & p[15]) << 4; // x= 3, y= 7, high= 6
pins_d |= (0x04u & p[17]) << 3; // x= 3, y= 8, high= 5
pins_d |= (0x10u & p[ 8]); // x= 9, y= 4, high= 4
break; |
case 8: |
pins_b |= (0x01u & p[ 1]) << 5; // x= 5, y= 0, high=13
pins_b |= (0x01u & p[ 3]) << 4; // x= 5, y= 1, high=12
pins_b |= (0x01u & p[ 5]) << 3; // x= 5, y= 2, high=11
pins_b |= (0x02u & p[ 9]); // x= 4, y= 4, high= 9
pins_b |= (0x02u & p[11]) >> 1; // x= 4, y= 5, high= 8
pins_d |= (0x01u & p[ 6]) << 2; // x=13, y= 3, high= 2
pins_d |= (0x02u & p[13]) << 6; // x= 4, y= 6, high= 7
pins_d |= (0x02u & p[15]) << 5; // x= 4, y= 7, high= 6
pins_d |= (0x02u & p[17]) << 4; // x= 4, y= 8, high= 5
pins_d |= (0x04u & p[ 6]) << 1; // x=11, y= 3, high= 3
pins_d |= (0x10u & p[ 6]); // x= 9, y= 3, high= 4
break; |
case 9: |
pins_b |= (0x01u & p[ 7]) << 2; // x= 5, y= 3, high=10
pins_b |= (0x01u & p[ 9]) << 1; // x= 5, y= 4, high= 9
pins_b |= (0x01u & p[11]); // x= 5, y= 5, high= 8
pins_b |= (0x80u & p[ 0]) >> 2; // x= 6, y= 0, high=13
pins_b |= (0x80u & p[ 2]) >> 3; // x= 6, y= 1, high=12
pins_d |= (0x01u & p[ 4]) << 2; // x=13, y= 2, high= 2
pins_d |= (0x01u & p[13]) << 7; // x= 5, y= 6, high= 7
pins_d |= (0x01u & p[15]) << 6; // x= 5, y= 7, high= 6
pins_d |= (0x01u & p[17]) << 5; // x= 5, y= 8, high= 5
pins_d |= (0x04u & p[ 4]) << 1; // x=11, y= 2, high= 3
pins_d |= (0x10u & p[ 4]); // x= 9, y= 2, high= 4
break; |
case 10: |
pins_b |= (0x40u & p[ 0]) >> 1; // x= 7, y= 0, high=13
pins_b |= (0x80u & p[ 4]) >> 4; // x= 6, y= 2, high=11
pins_b |= (0x80u & p[ 6]) >> 5; // x= 6, y= 3, high=10
pins_b |= (0x80u & p[ 8]) >> 6; // x= 6, y= 4, high= 9
pins_b |= (0x80u & p[10]) >> 7; // x= 6, y= 5, high= 8
pins_d |= (0x01u & p[ 2]) << 2; // x=13, y= 1, high= 2
pins_d |= (0x04u & p[ 2]) << 1; // x=11, y= 1, high= 3
pins_d |= (0x10u & p[ 2]); // x= 9, y= 1, high= 4
pins_d |= (0x80u & p[12]); // x= 6, y= 6, high= 7
pins_d |= (0x80u & p[14]) >> 1; // x= 6, y= 7, high= 6
pins_d |= (0x80u & p[16]) >> 2; // x= 6, y= 8, high= 5
break; |
case 11: |
pins_b |= (0x40u & p[ 2]) >> 2; // x= 7, y= 1, high=12
pins_b |= (0x40u & p[ 4]) >> 3; // x= 7, y= 2, high=11
pins_b |= (0x40u & p[ 6]) >> 4; // x= 7, y= 3, high=10
pins_b |= (0x40u & p[ 8]) >> 5; // x= 7, y= 4, high= 9
pins_b |= (0x40u & p[10]) >> 6; // x= 7, y= 5, high= 8
pins_d |= (0x01u & p[ 0]) << 2; // x=13, y= 0, high= 2
pins_d |= (0x04u & p[ 0]) << 1; // x=11, y= 0, high= 3
pins_d |= (0x10u & p[ 0]); // x= 9, y= 0, high= 4
pins_d |= (0x40u & p[12]) << 1; // x= 7, y= 6, high= 7
pins_d |= (0x40u & p[14]); // x= 7, y= 7, high= 6
pins_d |= (0x40u & p[16]) >> 1; // x= 7, y= 8, high= 5
break; |
} |
} |
// Enable pullups on new output pins.
PORTD = pins_d; |
PORTB = pins_b; |
// Set pins to output mode; pullups become Vcc/source.
DDRD = pins_d; |
DDRB = pins_b; |
// Set sink pin to GND/sink, turning on current.
PIND = sink_d; |
PINB = sink_b; |
plane++; |
if (plane >= (NUMPLANE + 1)) { |
plane = 0; |
cycle++; |
if (cycle >= 12) { |
cycle = 0; |
} |
} |
wdt_reset(); |
} |
void borg_hw_init() { |
// prepare Timer2
TIMSK2 &= ~(_BV(TOIE2) | _BV(OCIE2A)); |
TCCR2A &= ~(_BV(WGM21) | _BV(WGM20)); |
TCCR2B &= ~_BV(WGM22); |
ASSR &= ~_BV(AS2); |
// Then start the display
TIMSK2 |= _BV(TOIE2); |
TCCR2B = fastPrescaler; |
// interrupt ASAP
TCNT2 = 0xff; |
// activate watchdog timer
wdt_reset(); |
wdt_enable(0x00); // 17ms watchdog
} |