% histoire de ne plus être emmerdé avec les accents et autres conneries
\title{\Large\bf Shiver Me Timbers \\ ~\\ Songs \begin{tiny}from the\end{tiny} Book}
\author{Benjamin COUDRIN}
%%%%%%%%%%% S O N G S F R O M T H E S E A %%%%%%%%%%%%
\chapter{Songs from the sea}
\input sea/sea.tex
%%%%%%%%% S O N G S F R O M T H E B A T T L E F I E L D %%%%%%%%%
\chapter{Songs from the battlefield}
\input battlefield/battlefield.tex
%%%%%%%%% S O N G S F R O M T H E R O A D %%%%%%%%%
\chapter{Songs from the road}
\input road/road.tex
%%%%%%%%% S O N G S F R O M T H E T O W N %%%%%%%%%%
\chapter{Songs from the town}
\input town/town.tex
%%%%%%%%% S O N G S F R O M T H E F I E L D S %%%%%%%%%%
\chapter{Songs from the fields}
\input fields/fields.tex
%%%%%%%% S O N G S F R O M T H E B O O Z E %%%%%%%%%
\chapter{Songs from the booze}
\input booze/booze.tex
%%%%%%%% S O N G S F R O M T H E W O O D S %%%%%%%%
\chapter{Songs from the woods}
\input woods/woods.tex
%%%%%%%% S O N G S F R O M T H E I N S T R U M E N T A L S %%%%%%%%
\chapter{Songs from the instrumentals}
\input instrumentals/instrumentals.tex