4 years ago | |
MarlinConfiguration | 4 years ago | |
addons | 5 years ago | |
ANYCUBIC Kossel User Manual_V2.pdf | 5 years ago | |
Anycubic_Linear_Plus_Cura_Profile.zip | 5 years ago | |
README.md | 5 years ago | |
Trigorilla_details.pdf | 5 years ago |
Anycubic Kossel Plus
Set-up guide and related things for the Anycubic Kossel Linear Plus 3D Printer.
Getting started
Build Marlin
git clone https://github.com/MarlinFirmware/Marlin.git -b 2.0.x
cd Marlin
cp config/examples/delta/Anycubic/Kossel/Configuration.h Marlin/
cp config/examples/delta/Anycubic/Kossel/Configuration_adv.h Marlin/
Adjust the Marlin/Configuration.h
for your model:
#define NOZZLE_TO_PROBE_OFFSET { 0, 0, -15.10 }
virtualenv -p python --no-site-packages .
source bin/activate
pip install -U platformio
pio run
pio run --target upload
Set up the 3d printer
Configuration > Advanced Settings > Initialize EEPROM
Configuration > Delta Calibration > Set Delta Height
( G33 P1 )Configuration > Delta Configuration > Probe Z-offset
( Set manually to 15.10 )Configuration > Delta Calibration > Set Delta Height
( G33 P1 )- connect the Z-Probe and start
Configuration > Delta Calibration > Auto Calibration
Configuration > Delta Calibration > Store Settings
Motion > Bed Leveling > Level bed
followed byStore Settings
use Configuration > Advanced Settings > Probe Z Offset
to correct the difference and execute the calibration again
optional: tune PID
(DEFAULT_Kp 22.36 DEFAULT_Ki 1.63 DEFAULT_Kd 76.48)
- run the following G-Code (e.g. in Proterface) with the nozzle cold: 'M106 S255' & 'M303 E0 C10 S200'
- store measured values: 'M301 P17.96 I1.44 D55.90'
(DEFAULT_bedKp 374.03 DEFAULT_bedKi 72.47 DEFAULT_bedKd 482.59)
run 'M303 E-1 C8 S60'
store measured values: 'M304 P254.09 I44.31 D971.39'
store values in eeprom:
Configure Cura
Download the profiles and put the json-Files into: $HOME/.local/share/cura/4.4/definitions/
Cura settings
- alternate_extra_perimeter = True
- infill_sparse_density = 10
- infill_pattern = gyroid
- zig_zaggify_infill = True
- material_print_temperature = 204
- material_bed_temperature = 30
- material_bed_temperature_layer_0 = 55
- retraction_amount = 5
- retraction_speed = 65
- speed_print = 60
- speed_layer_0 = 20
- speed_equalize_flow_enabled = True
- speed_z_hop = 60
- retraction_combing = infill
- retraction_combing_max_distance = 20
- retraction_hop = 0.2
- retraction_hop_enabled = True
- retraction_hop_only_when_collides = True
- cool_fan_speed = 60
- cool_fan_speed_0 = 20
- cool_lift_head = True
- support_z_distance = 0.2
- support_angle = 50
Build Plate Adhesion
- adhesion_type = skirt
- skirt_line_count = 2
- skirt_brim_minimal_length = 250
- coasting_enable = True
- bridge_settings_enabled = True
To test
- line_width = 0.38 (for 0.15 else: 0.4)
- optimize wall printing order = True
- infill_enable_travel_optimization = True
- use adaptive layers
- print thin walls
Firmware backup
avrdude -p m2560 -c avrispmkII -P /dev/ttyUSB0 -b 115200 -D -U flash:r:factory_kossel.hex:i
avrdude -p m2560 -c avrispmkII -P /dev/ttyUSB0 -b 115200 -D -U eeprom:r:factory_kossel_eeprom.hex:i
3dp.rocks Image to Litophane Converter
Generally not enjoyable with bowden-type extruders. Buy another printer.
Print and mount the extruder mod, otherwise the filament will jam between the extruder gear and the Ptfe-tube.
Print slowly, not too small layer height, reduce retraction distance as it won't work anyways. Disable fan, disable heated bed.
Avoid models that require many travel moves.
use Inkscape and the included Gcodetools.
A 3d-printable pen holder (to use with rubber-bands) is attached in the addons/
Prepare Image
- Make sure to have everything on a single layer
- At the top bar leave units at px but treat them as mm!
- scale object to desired size
Path -> Object to Path
Path -> Combine
Path -> Union
View -> Display mode -> Outline
to preview- if there are too many nodes:
Path -> Simplify
Extensions -> Gcodetools -> Tools library...
tool- Diameter: 1.0
- Feed: 2400
- Penetration feed: 2400
- Passing feed: 3600
- Depth step: 1.0
Extensions -> Gcodetools -> Orientation points
- 2-points mode
- Z surface: 0.0
- Z depth: -1.0
move to center of object (0,0 is center of print-bed) and a bit to the right, as the pen is mounted right from the effector (45mm)
select object
`Extensions -> Gcodetools -> Path to Gcode
- Offset along Z axis: 11.0
- Z safe height for G00 move over blank: 3.0
- Units: mm
- home printer
Experimental Cura settings:
- Layer Height: 10 mm
- Initial Layer Height: 10 mm
- Wall Line Count: 1
- Top/Bottom Thickness: 10 mm
- Print Thin Walls: True
- Infill Density: 0 %
- Default Printing Temperature: 0 °C
- Build Plate Temperature: 0 °C
- Enable Retraction: True
- Retraction Minimum Travel: 2 mm
- Combing Mode: off
- Z Hop When Retracted: True
- Z Hop Height: 2 mm
- Enable Print Cooling: False
- Generate Support: False
- Build Plate Adhesion Type: none
- Slicing Tolerance: Inclusive
- Maximum Resolution: 0.2 mm
LEDs (WS2812)
print rails
and connect the led-strip to the trigorilla board at D11, +5V and GND
if you connect more than a few leds, a step-down converter is needed! don't supply them via the trigorilla's 5V rail.
In the Marlin/Configuration.h uncomment: #define NEOPIXEL_LED #define NEOPIXEL_TYPE NEO_GRB + NEO_KHZ800 #define NEOPIXEL_PIN 11 #define NEOPIXEL_PIXELS 35
In the Marlin/Configuration_adv.h uncomment: #define LED_CONTROL_MENU
in the directory addons/
see also: https://www.thingiverse.com/WarHawk8080/collections/anycubic-kossel/