5 years ago | |
addons | 5 years ago | |
ANYCUBIC Kossel User Manual_V2.pdf | 5 years ago | |
Anycubic_Linear_Plus_Cura_Profile.zip | 5 years ago | |
README.md | 5 years ago |
Anycubic Kossel Plus
Set-up guide and related things for the Anycubic Kossel Linear Plus 3D Printer.
Getting started
Build Marlin
git clone https://github.com/MarlinFirmware/Marlin.git -b bugfix-2.0.x
cd Marlin
cp config/examples/delta/Anycubic/Kossel/Configuration.h Marlin/
cp config/examples/delta/Anycubic/Kossel/Configuration_adv.h Marlin/
Adjust the Marlin/Configuration.h
for your model:
#define NOZZLE_TO_PROBE_OFFSET { 0, 0, -15.10 }
virtualenv -p python --no-site-packages .
source bin/activate
pip install -U platformio
pio run
pio run --target upload
Set up the 3d printer
Configuration > Advanced Settings > Initialize EEPROM
Configuration > Delta Calibration > Set Delta Height
( G33 P1 )Configuration > Delta Configuration > Probe Z-offset
( Set manually to 15.10 )Configuration > Delta Calibration > Set Delta Height
( G33 P1 )- connect the Z-Probe and start
Configuration > Delta Calibration > Auto Calibration
Configuration > Delta Calibration > Store Settings
Motion > Bed Leveling > Level bed
followed byStore Settings
use Configuration > Advanced Settings > Probe Z Offset
to correct the difference and execute the calibration again
optional: tune PID
(DEFAULT_Kp 22.36 DEFAULT_Ki 1.63 DEFAULT_Kd 76.48)
- run the following G-Code (e.g. in Proterface) with the nozzle cold: 'M106 S255' & 'M303 E0 C10 S200'
- store measured values: 'M301 P17.96 I1.44 D55.90'
(DEFAULT_bedKp 374.03 DEFAULT_bedKi 72.47 DEFAULT_bedKd 482.59)
run 'M303 E-1 C8 S60'
store measured values: 'M304 P254.09 I44.31 D971.39'
store values in eeprom:
Configure Cura
Download the profiles and put the json-Files into: $HOME/.local/share/cura/4.4/definitions/
Cura settings
- alternate_extra_perimeter = True
- infill_sparse_density = 10
- infill_pattern = gyroid
- zig_zaggify_infill = True
- material_print_temperature = 204
- material_bed_temperature = 30
- material_bed_temperature_layer_0 = 55
- retraction_amount = 5
- retraction_speed = 65
- speed_print = 60
- speed_layer_0 = 20
- speed_equalize_flow_enabled = True
- speed_z_hop = 60
- retraction_combing = infill
- retraction_combing_max_distance = 20
- retraction_hop = 0.2
- retraction_hop_enabled = True
- retraction_hop_only_when_collides = True
- cool_fan_speed = 60
- cool_fan_speed_0 = 20
- cool_lift_head = True
- support_z_distance = 0.2
- support_angle = 50
Build Plate Adhesion
- adhesion_type = skirt
- skirt_line_count = 2
- skirt_brim_minimal_length = 250
- coasting_enable = True
- bridge_settings_enabled = True
To test
- line_width = 0.38 (for 0.15 else: 0.4)
- optimize wall printing order = True
- infill_enable_travel_optimization = True
- use adaptive layers
- print thin walls
Firmware backup
avrdude -p m2560 -c avrispmkII -P /dev/ttyUSB0 -b 115200 -D -U flash:r:factory_kossel.hex:i
avrdude -p m2560 -c avrispmkII -P /dev/ttyUSB0 -b 115200 -D -U eeprom:r:factory_kossel_eeprom.hex:i
3dp.rocks Image to Litophane Converter
Generally not enjoyable with bowden-type extruders. Buy another printer.
Print and mount the extruder mod, otherwise the filament will jam between the extruder gear and the Ptfe-tube.
Print slowly, not too small layer height, reduce retraction distance as it won't work anyways. Avoid models that require many travel moves.
use Inkscape and the included Gcodetools.
A 3d-printable pen holder (to use with rubber-bands) is attached in the addons/
Prepare Image
- Make sure to have everything on a single layer
- At the top bar leave units at px but treat them as mm!
- scale object to desired size
Path -> Object to Path
Path -> Combine
Path -> Union
View -> Display mode -> Outline
to preview- if there are too many nodes:
Path -> Simplify
Extensions -> Gcodetools -> Tools library...
tool- Diameter: 1.0
- Feed: 2400
- Penetration feed: 2400
- Passing feed: 3600
- Depth step: 1.0
Extensions -> Gcodetools -> Orientation points
- 2-points mode
- Z surface: 0.0
- Z depth: -1.0
move to center of object (0,0 is center of print-bed) and a bit to the right, as the pen is mounted right from the effector (45mm)
select object
`Extensions -> Gcodetools -> Path to Gcode
- Offset along Z axis: 11.0
- Z safe height for G00 move over blank: 3.0
- Units: mm
- home printer
Experimental Cura settings:
- Layer Height: 10 mm
- Initial Layer Height: 10 mm
- Wall Line Count: 1
- Top/Bottom Thickness: 10 mm
- Print Thin Walls: True
- Infill Density: 0 %
- Default Printing Temperature: 0 °C
- Build Plate Temperature: 0 °C
- Enable Retraction: True
- Retraction Minimum Travel: 2 mm
- Combing Mode: off
- Z Hop When Retracted: True
- Z Hop Height: 2 mm
- Enable Print Cooling: False
- Generate Support: False
- Build Plate Adhesion Type: none
- Slicing Tolerance: Inclusive
- Maximum Resolution: 0.2 mm
LEDs (WS2812)
print rails
and connect the led-strip to the trigorilla board at D11, +5V and GND
In the Marlin/Configuration.h uncomment: #define NEOPIXEL_LED #define NEOPIXEL_PIN 11 #define NEOPIXEL_PIXELS 5