Engine for LaTeX songbooks http://www.patacrep.com
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

360 lines
8.1 KiB

% CREPBOOK DOCUMENT CLASS -- version 0.2.2
% for LaTeX2e
\ProvidesClass{crepbook}[2009/11/12 v0.4.2 LaTeX document class for Crep
% Options
% Default options : pass to the songs package
% Base class
% Main packages
14 years ago
\renewcommand{\colbotglue}{0pt plus .5\textheight minus 0pt}%
% Start
\def\lastandname{\unskip, and}
\gdef\@author{No Author Given}%
\gdef\@title{No Title Given}%
\unskip{} \andname\
\unskip \lastandname\
{\Huge \bfseries\boldmath\@title \par}
\if!\@subtitle!\else {\begin{flushright}\large \bfseries\boldmath
\@subtitle \par \end{flushright}}
\newcommand{\l@belVersion}{\bf version :}
\newcommand{\l@belDate}{\bf date :}
\newcommand{\l@belAuthor}{\bf auteurs :}
\newcommand{\l@belWeb}{\bf web :}
\newcommand{\l@belMail}{\bf mail :}
\begin{tabular}{l l}
\if!\@version!\else{\l@belVersion} & \@version \\ \fi
\if!\@date!\else{\l@belDate} & \@date \\ \fi
\if!\@author!\else{\l@belAuthor} & \@author \\ \fi
\if!\@web!\else{\l@belWeb} & \url{\@web} \\ \fi
\if!\@mail!\else{\l@belMail} & \url{\@mail} \\ \fi
{\flushright \small \@picturecopyright}
\put(-22,8){\Large #1}
\musicnote{capo: #1}%
% Configuration of the songs package
% Customization of the page appearance
a4paper % paper size
,includeheadfoot % include header and footer into text size
,hmarginratio=1:1 % ratio between inner and outer margin (default)
,outer=1.8cm % outer margin (right)
,vmarginratio=1:1 % ratio between top and bottom margin
,bmargin=1.3cm % bottom margin
% ,bindingoffset=1.7cm % space reserved to bound pages together
% Paragraph indentation space
% songs class options
% Horizontal space reserved to verse number
% Modifier to the space between consecutive lines of lyrics
\baselineadj=-2pt plus 1pt minus 1pt
% Space between verses and chorus
\versesep=6pt plus 2pt minus 2pt
%lyrics font
% color used to shade song numbers.
%% Code from tabs.sty
% Counters
% Length
% Variables
% The tab environmant
% \begin{tab}
\setlength{\tablen}{\xunit cm}
% A single note
% \single <string> <fret>
% draw tuning if we are at the beginining of a new tab line
\foreach \tuning in \chordtuning
\node at (-1,\value{tab-line}+\value{tab-string}) {\tuning};
% draw the 6 strings
\foreach \string in {1,...,6}
\draw[xshift=-0.5cm] (\value{tab-tempo},\value{tab-line}+\string) -- +(1,0);
\draw node[single] at (\value{tab-tempo},\value{tab-line}+##1) {##2};
\addtolength{\tablen}{\xunit cm}
\setlength{\tablen}{\xunit cm}
% A mesure bar
% \bar
\draw[xshift=-0.5cm] (\value{tab-tempo},\value{tab-line}+1) --+(0,5);
% draw the first bar
\draw[xshift=-0.5cm] (0,1) --+(0,5);
%% End of tabs.sty file