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15 years ago
\beginsong{Widow of a Living Man}
[by=Ben Harper,cov=the-will-to-live]
Mama \[Lasus2]why does he treat me so col\[Do]d?
So col\[Sol]d. So col\[Ré]d.
15 years ago
Why do I feel so old?
So old. So old.
15 years ago
How long has he treated me unkind?
Unkind. Unkind.
15 years ago
Or have I always been so blind?
So blind. So blind.
I'm a \[Lasus2]widow,
I'm a \[Fa]widow,
I'm a wi\[Sol]dow
Of \[Lasus2]{a living} \[Sol]man, \rep{3}
\nolyrics{\[Fa] \[Sol] \[Lasus2]}
Why can't the time stay the same?
Stay the same. Stay the same.
15 years ago
Now I am begging him to change.
Please change. Please change.
15 years ago
What about all the plans we've made?
Plans we've made. Lord have prayed.
15 years ago
Now I am so afraid.
I am so afraid. I am so afraid.
Mama why does he hurt me so?
He hurt me so. He hurt me so.
15 years ago
I'm gonna need some place to go.
Some place to go. Some place to go.
15 years ago
He's no longer some kind woman's son.
Kind woman's son. Kind woman's son.
15 years ago
Mama I think that I had better run.
Had better run. Had better run.