@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ |
#include <avr/interrupt.h> |
#include <avr/io.h> |
#include <avr/wdt.h> |
#include <util/delay.h> |
#include "borg_hw.h" |
@ -38,16 +39,18 @@ |
#define TIMER0_COMP_vect TIMER0_COMPA_vect |
#endif |
//lookup table
uint16_t colormap[256] = {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,29,31,34,36,39,42,45,48,51,55,58,62,65,69,73,77,81,85,90,94,99,103,108,113,118,123,129,134,140,145,151,157,163,169,176,182,188,195,202,209,216,223,230,238,245,253,261,269,277,285,293,302,310,319,328,337,346,355,365,374,384,394,404,414,424,434,445,455,466,477,488,499,510,522,533,545,557,569,581,593,606,618,631,644,657,670,683,696,710,723,737,751,765,779,794,808,823,838,853,868,883,898,914,930,945,961,978,994,1010,1027,1043,1060,1077,1094,1112,1129,1147,1164,1182,1200,1218,1237,1255,1274,1293,1311,1331,1350,1369,1389,1408,1428,1448,1468,1488,1509,1529,1550,1571,1592,1613,1635,1656,1678,1700,1721,1744,1766,1788,1811,1834,1856,1879,1903,1926,1949,1973,1997,2021,2045,2069,2094,2118,2143,2168,2193,2218,2244,2269,2295,2321,2347,2373,2399,2426,2452,2479,2506,2533,2560,2588,2615,2643,2671,2699,2727,2756,2784,2813,2842,2871,2900,2929,2959,2989,3018,3048,3079,3109,3139,3170,3201,3232,3263,3294,3326,3357,3389,3421,3453,3485,3518,3550,3583,3616,3649,3682,3716,3749,3783,3817,3851,3886,3920,3955,3989,4024,4059,4094}; |
// buffer which holds the currently shown frame
unsigned char pixmap[NUMPLANE][NUM_ROWS][LINEBYTES]; |
unsigned char framebuf[NUM_ROWS][NUM_COLS]; |
// switch to next row
static void nextrow(uint8_t row) { |
unsigned char i; |
static unsigned char row = 0; |
//row counter
static unsigned char row = 0; |
//increment & wrap row counter
if (++row == NUM_ROWS) row = 0; |
//switch to next row
static void nextrow() { |
unsigned char i; |
// short delay loop, to ensure proper deactivation of the drivers
for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) asm volatile("nop"); |
@ -75,92 +78,114 @@ static void nextrow(uint8_t row) { |
ROWPORT |= (1 << PIN_CLK); |
ROWPORT &= ~(1 << PIN_CLK); |
} |
// another delay loop, to ensure that the drivers are ready
for (i = 0; i < 20; i++) asm volatile("nop"); |
} |
// show a row
static void rowshow(unsigned char row, unsigned char plane) { |
// depending on the currently drawn plane, display the row for a specific
// amount of time
static unsigned char const ocr_table[] = {3, 4, 22}; |
OCR0 = ocr_table[plane]; |
// output data of the current row to the column drivers
uint8_t tmp, tmp1; |
row = (row>>1) + ((row & 0x01)?8:0 ); |
tmp = pixmap[plane][row][0]; |
tmp1 = pixmap[plane][row][1]; |
tmp = (tmp >> 4) | (tmp << 4); |
tmp = ((tmp & 0xcc) >> 2) | ((tmp & 0x33)<< 2); //0xcc = 11001100, 0x33 = 00110011
tmp = ((tmp & 0xaa) >> 1) | ((tmp & 0x55)<< 1); //0xaa = 10101010, 0x55 = 1010101
TLCPORT2 = tmp; |
tmp = tmp1; |
tmp = (tmp >> 4) | (tmp << 4); |
tmp = ((tmp & 0xcc) >> 2) | ((tmp & 0x33) << 2); //0xcc = 11001100, 0x33 = 00110011
tmp = ((tmp & 0xaa) >> 1) | ((tmp & 0x55) << 1); //0xaa = 10101010, 0x55 = 1010101
TLCPORT1 = tmp; |
#else |
TLCPORT1 = tmp; |
TLCPORT2 = tmp1; |
#endif |
} |
*/ |
//this int runs with multiples of half the frequency of timer 1,
//meaning that new row data gets laoded every 2n pwm periods of the tlc
ISR(TIMER0_COMP_vect ) { |
uint8_t i, x; |
uint8_t y, x, v; |
// reset watchdog
wdt_reset(); |
//sync to timer 1
while(!(TIFR1 & _BV(OCF1A))); |
//increment & wrap row counter
if (++row == NUM_ROWS) row = 0; |
//shift pixmap as 12 bit words into device
for(y = 0; y < 16; y++) //16 x 12bit
{ |
//fetch msb
v = (colormap[framebuf[row][y]] >> 4) & 0xF0; |
TLCPORT |= (v & 0x80) >> (7-TLC_PIN_SIN); |
SCLK(); |
v <<= 1; |
TLCPORT |= (v & 0x80) >> (7-TLC_PIN_SIN); |
SCLK(); |
v <<= 1; |
TLCPORT |= (v & 0x80) >> (7-TLC_PIN_SIN); |
SCLK(); |
v <<= 1; |
TLCPORT |= (v & 0x80) >> (7-TLC_PIN_SIN); |
SCLK(); |
v <<= 1; |
//fetch lsb
v = (colormap[framebuf[row][y]]) & 0xFF; |
TLCPORT |= (v & 0x80) >> (7-TLC_PIN_SIN); |
SCLK(); |
v <<= 1; |
TLCPORT |= (v & 0x80) >> (7-TLC_PIN_SIN); |
SCLK(); |
v <<= 1; |
TLCPORT |= (v & 0x80) >> (7-TLC_PIN_SIN); |
SCLK(); |
v <<= 1; |
TLCPORT |= (v & 0x80) >> (7-TLC_PIN_SIN); |
SCLK(); |
v <<= 1; |
TLCPORT |= (v & 0x80) >> (7-TLC_PIN_SIN); |
SCLK(); |
v <<= 1; |
TLCPORT |= (v & 0x80) >> (7-TLC_PIN_SIN); |
SCLK(); |
v <<= 1; |
TLCPORT |= (v & 0x80) >> (7-TLC_PIN_SIN); |
SCLK(); |
v <<= 1; |
TLCPORT |= (v & 0x80) >> (7-TLC_PIN_SIN); |
SCLK(); |
v <<= 1; |
} |
//blank outputs of low-side (column) driver
//disable timer 1
TCCR1B &= ~_BV(CS10); |
// switch rows
nextrow(row); |
// output current row according to current plane
//rowshow(row, plane);
//debug: load 100% duty cycle into column driver
for(i = 0; i < 16; i++) //16 x 12bit
{ |
//shift in 12 bit words
for(x = 0; x < 12; x++) |
{ |
TLCPORT |= ((uint8_t)((uint16_t)0xFFF >> x) & 1) << TLC_PIN_SIN; |
SCLK(); |
} |
} |
//switch rows
nextrow(); |
//latch data, disable blanking, enable and reset timers
XLAT(); |
TCNT1 = 0; |
TIFR1 = _BV(OCF1A) |
TCNT0 = 0; //be a little faster than timer 1
TCCR1B |= _BV(CS10); // clk/1
} |
{ |
//reset timer
TCNT0 = 0; |
} |
@ -200,20 +225,14 @@ static void timer0_on() { |
TCCR0A = 0x02; // CTC Mode
TCCR0B = 0x04; // clk/256
TCNT0 = 0; // reset timer
OCR0 = 0xFF; // compare with this value
OCR0 = 16; // compare with this value
TIMSK0 = 0x02; // compare match Interrupt on
#else |
TCCR0 = 0x0C; // CTC Mode, clk/256
TCNT0 = 0; // reset timer
OCR0 = 0xFF; // compare with this value
OCR0 = 16; // compare with this value
TIMSK = 0x02; // compare match Interrupt on
#endif |
//setup timer1 also (for blanking pulse)
TCCR1A = 0x00; |
TCCR0B = _BV(WGM12); // CTC Mode
OCR1A = 8192; // top value
TIMSK1 = _BV(OCIE1A); // compare match interrupt on
} |
@ -251,6 +270,39 @@ void tlc5940_init() |
SCLK(); |
} |
void test_tlc() |
{ |
uint8_t i, x; |
while(1) |
{ |
//debug: load 100% duty cycle into column driver
for(i = 0; i < 16; i++) //16 x 12bit
{ |
//shift in 12 bit words
for(x = 0; x < 12; x++) |
{ |
SCLK(); |
} |
} |
//blank outputs of low-side (column) driver
nextrow(); |
//latch data, disable blanking
XLAT(); |
//delay 4096 gsclocks (256)
_delay_us(254); |
} |
} |
void borg_hw_init() { |
//init column driver
@ -262,6 +314,9 @@ void borg_hw_init() { |
// reset shift registers for the rows
ROWPORT = 0; |
//test tlc chip
//activate the activator
timer0_on(); |