* connect the Z-Probe and start `Configuration > Delta Calibration > Auto Calibration`
* `Configuration > Delta Calibration > Store Settings`
@ -73,6 +75,62 @@ use `Configuration > Advanced Settings > Probe Z Offset` to correct the differen
Download the profiles and put the json-Files into: `$HOME/.local/share/cura/4.4/definitions/`
## Cura settings
#### Shell
* alternate_extra_perimeter = True
#### Infill
* infill_sparse_density = 10
* infill_pattern = gyroid
* zig_zaggify_infill = True
#### Material
* material_print_temperature = 204
* material_bed_temperature = 30
* material_bed_temperature_layer_0 = 55
* retraction_amount = 5
* retraction_speed = 65
#### Speed
* speed_print = 60
* speed_layer_0 = 20
* speed_equalize_flow_enabled = True
* speed_z_hop = 60
#### Travel
* retraction_combing = infill
* retraction_combing_max_distance = 20
* retraction_hop = 0.2
* retraction_hop_enabled = True
* retraction_hop_only_when_collides = True
#### Cooling
* cool_fan_speed = 60
* cool_fan_speed_0 = 20
* cool_lift_head = True
#### Support
* support_z_distance = 0.2
* support_angle = 50
#### Build Plate Adhesion
* adhesion_type = skirt
* skirt_line_count = 2
* skirt_brim_minimal_length = 250
#### Experimental
* coasting_enable = True
* bridge_settings_enabled = True
### To test
* line_width = 0.38 (for 0.15 else: 0.4)
* optimize wall printing order = True
* infill_enable_travel_optimization = True
* use adaptive layers
* print thin walls
## Snippets
@ -85,6 +143,14 @@ Download the profiles and put the json-Files into: `$HOME/.local/share/cura/4.4/
[3dp.rocks Image to Litophane Converter](http://3dp.rocks/lithophane/)
### TPU
Generally not enjoyable with bowden-type extruders. Buy another printer.
Print and mount the [extruder mod](https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2672773), otherwise the filament will jam between the extruder gear and the Ptfe-tube.
Print slowly, not too small layer height, reduce retraction distance as it won't work anyways. Avoid models that require many travel moves.
### Plotting
use Inkscape and the included [Gcodetools](https://github.com/cnc-club/gcodetools).
@ -128,24 +194,34 @@ A 3d-printable pen holder (to use with rubber-bands) is attached in the `addons/